Almost Home

13 May

So remember a few weeks ago, I asked yunz all (that is Pittsburghese for all of you) to pray and worry about little Simone over at Flotsom? Well youmust be doing a good job because rumor has it she is coming home from the NICU today. Yay for babies coming home to their families.

So thanks for sending your care and concerns. I’ll keep finding people to send it to.

As another aside. Dan from Following Lingling is doing another 100 mile bike ride to raise money for the leukemia/lymphoma society. He’s looking for someone to ride for (since his wife is doing great!) and is hoping for some donations. So, if you have some extra money (I hear stimulus checks went out recently) this is a good cause to give toward.

That’s all for today. Hope everyone is doing wonderful!

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Posted by on May 13, 2008 in happy, linky lurve


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